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Publications by Schools

Custom publication reports  have been created for each school at Sussex.  Filterable by department and date, this report includes publications for each school with extractable citations, and has been designed following feedback from staff across the university. 

If you would like to have access to your school's publication report,  please email us at You will need to hold a position at the university that requires these reports for you to be given access.

Publications by Author

The Basic Report for publications pulls in all information associated with a publication  and can be run for individual users, schools or departments. You can also specify a type of publication you want to report on.  The CSV export file can often require some filtering and navigating in order to display what is needed.

To access Basic Reporting, log in to Elements and click Menu > Reporting > Basic Reports.

  • Select a user, a school or department you wish to report on.
  • If appropriate, select additional filters (Date, option to include non-current and non academic staff) 
  • Select Publication as the Object Category
  • If appropriate, select a Publication Type . 
  • In the 'Return' section, select Publications by linked user. 
  • Select Get Data Export. 



Publications by Research Group

The Elements team has developed a report specifically for publications linked to Research Groups. This report enables you to track publications associated with your research group and provides detailed information about them.

If you do not currently have access to this report but need it, please contact the Elements team at

How to run the report:

  • Go to the Reporting Hub.
  • Search for 'Publications Report for Research Groups' and click 'View'.
  • Select your Research Group and export the data as an Excel file.