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Research centres and groups can be set up as a manual group within Elements and users, publications, professional and impact activities can be associated with this group. A research centre or group's publication list can then be exported and embedded in their own webpages.

If you require permission to add users or publications to an Elements group, please contact us via 

If you would like your research centre or group to be created within Elements, please contact us via

Managing Publications for Research Groups

To add publications to a  group you will need to have relevant permissions within Elements that relate to that group. If you are a research group administrator please contact to be given permissions.

1. From the menu bar, select System Admin, then Manage Groups.

2. Navigate to the research group that you are a member of.

3. Scroll down the page until you see the 'Relationships' box on the right hand side. Click Create New and select Publication

4. Search for the publication under 'Title' in the top right hand corner.

5. The publication will appear in the centre of the page. Select by clicking the tick box on the left of the publication box.

6. Above this click on Link Selected

You have successfully linked a publication to your research group.

Note - if you have  created a relationship between a publication and a  group which is a 'child' of a 'parent' group you will also need to create the relationship at the 'parent' group level if you wish the publication to be included in this group's publication feed. 

To add publications to a research group you will need to have relevant permissions within Elements that relate to that research group. If you are a research group admin please contact to be given permissions.

Adding users to a group

To add members to a group you will need to have relevant permissions within Elements that relate to that group. If you are a research group administrator,  please contact to be given permissions.

1. From the menu bar, select System Admin, then Manage Groups.

2. Navigate to the research group that you are a member of.

3. Scroll down the page until you see the Member list box in the middle of the screen.  Select +ADD .

4. Search for members using the search box and select them. 

5. Selected users will become members of the group once you have selected Confirm.

6. Members can be removed from a group by selecting the bin icon.

To add members to a research group you will need to have relevant permissions within Elements that relate to that research group. If you are a research group admin please contact to be given permissions.

Adding a publications list to a webpage

Note: you will need to have Web Content Manager editorial permissions for the relevant University of Sussex webpage. 

1. Within the University of Sussex's web content manager (WCM) site, navigate to the relevant webpage. 

2. From the page layout and information box, select the Insert publications list widget

3. Select your research group from the drop-down list. 

4. The Insert Publications List widget will now display in WCM and a publication feed of publication in Elements which have been associated with this group will display on the live webpage. 

Download the instructions

Publication reporting for Research Groups

The Elements team has developed a report specifically for publications linked to Research Groups. This report enables you to track publications associated with your research group and provides detailed information about them.

If you do not currently have access to this report but need it, please contact the Elements team at

How to run the report:

  • Go to the Reporting Hub.
  • Search for 'Publications Report for Research Groups' and click 'View'.
  • Select your Research Group and export the data as an Excel file.