The Black Women Radicals Database (BWRD) historizes and visualizes Black women’s radical political activism in Africa and in the African Diaspora in efforts to build academic, political, and community engagement, dialogue, knowledge production, research, and education about Black women’s significant legacies as socio-political agents of radical change. By housing a database of historical and transnational Black women activists and leaders, the BWRD seeks to overcome the erasure of Black women’s political leadership, organizing, theorizing, and socio-political movement building in Africa and in the African Diaspora that has often been ignored in favor of Black and white cis-heteronormative male charismatic leadership, especially in the field of Black Politics. BWRD serves as a vehicle to center Black women’s historical political memory, scholarship, epistemologies, and leadership in socio-political movements that may not be taught in academia and in community and public spaces. The Database is free for educational use.*
*The BWRD is a continuing project and the current profiles of the activists and leaders in the Database are not completed and are constantly being updated. Moreover, the BWRD will continue to add profiles of historical Black women activists and leaders in Africa and in the African Diaspora. The Black Women Radicals team will be calling for writers who are interested in contributing to the BWRD soon. For questions about the Database and/or if you are interested in contributing to the BWRD, please contact
A vast archive of material drawn from hundreds of international and local organizations, documenting important aspects of LGBTQ life from 1940 onwards. Documents include: records and materials produced by LGBTQ rights groups, government briefings, reports and policy statements, surveys and election questionnaires, international news and magazine articles, photographs, interviews and more.
Records of the Communist Party of Great Britain's Womens' Department from 1944 to 1991. Includes minutes, agendas, and promotional materials from women's campaigns, events, and conferences, offering insight into the relationship between Western communism and the women’s liberation movement during the post-war era.
A digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals from the special collections of academic institutions. Materials produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.
Access to perspectives on women's experiences from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Historical records from Europe, North and South America, Africa, India, East Asia, and the Pacific Rim with content in English, French, German, and Dutch.
The following databases contain a variety of material, including journal articles, for your specific subject area. The brief descriptions beneath the titles will explain what each hold. To access, click on the title.
An international research database for arts and humanities, indexing articles from over 370 scholarly journals, weekly magazines, and quality newspapers from the UK, the US, and other English-speaking countries. Updated monthly, with coverage from 1962.
Subjects: Architecture, Art, Cultural Studies, Film, Gender studies, History, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Religion.
Full text collection of over 50 humanities and social science journals published by the Duke University Press.
An online database that contains over six million bibliographic references. Dating back to 1951, these references include journal articles, books, newspapers, and dissertations. The subjects covered range from anthropology and economics to politics and sociology. Interdisciplinary subjects such as development studies, human geography, and gender studies are also included.
Scopus is a multidisciplinary abstract and citation database, which provides access to academic journals, books, conference proceedings, and patents from 1788–present.
Advanced Features: citation analysis, author profiles, journal metrics; data export and analysis, search alerts.
A multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of academic journal articles, books and conference proceedings covering all subjects, dating back to 1900. Web of Science consists of multiple different databases including the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Features: citation analysis, researcher profiles, journal metrics, search alerts.