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Official publications

The Collection

The Library holds collections of Official Publications and other material relevant to public policy from British, European and international bodies.

The Official Publications at the University of Sussex are located within the Documents Collection in the North Basement of the Library, although European publications will need to be requested from the Information Hub on the ground floor.

The material is arranged on the open shelves in pamphlet boxes and readers are welcome to browse. Items may normally be borrowed for six weeks. Some material is restricted for use in the Library only, but if you want to borrow loanable items please use a self-service machine on the ground floor.

There are three Documents collections:

  • British - this includes both governmental and non-governmental publications, pressure group material and Parliamentary Papers
  • European
  • International - contains publications from organisations covering more than Europe such as the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the World Bank


Many Official Publications are freely available electronically. Useful links are available under the UK Government information and International organisations tabs above.

For further assistance with using the collection please ask at the Library's service desk on the ground floor.

Useful Links