The UK Data Service offers a single point of access to a wide range of economic and social data from the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS), Census Programme, Secure Data Service and others, including some international data sets. The UK Data Service has produced a guide on ways to get data which will help you access the data they hold.
A range of UK survey data, addressing social attitudes, crime, health and lifestyle. Includes: Labour Force Survey, British Social Attitudes, National Food Survey and English Housing Survey. |
The UKDS holds a range of different types of census data from 1971 to 2011. See the Census Support site for more information. |
The UKDS provides access to several key longitudinal studies, including major panel and internationally-renowned cohort studies. Includes: British Household Panel Survey, Millennium Cohort Study and National Child Development Study. |
The UKDS holds a collection of business microdata, provided by the Office for National Statistics. Includes: UK Innovation Survey and Business Structure Database. |
Non-numeric information, such as in-depth interview transcripts, diaries, anthropological field notes, answers to open-ended survey questions, audio-visual recordings and images. Includes: Family Life of Old People, Gender Difference, Anxiety and the Fear of Crime and Retail Competition And Consumer Choice. |
Cross-national surveys typically refer to studies where the same survey instrument is used across many nations. Includes: Eurobarometer Surveys, European Election Study and International Social Survey Programme. |
Major statistical publications produced by intergovernmental organisations such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund or Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. |
Data collected by government departments and agencies during their day-to-day activities. |