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Elements Assessment Module Guide


What happens if a User moves to a different UoA?

You should let the RQI team know of any UoA moves. We will transfer the user to the correct UoA within Elements, which will transfer all their output selection and review data. 

How do I add reviewers into the assessment module?

Email reviewer details, along with whose outputs they will be reviewing, to the RQI team. 

Can ERAs be given access to Elements?

ERAs cannot currently be added into Elements. 

ERAs don't require access to Elements to complete reviews, as full output records with manuscripts are stored in SRO. 

Once an ERA has completed their review, this can be input into Elements by administrative staff/research managers. Please indicate in the review text that you are inputting a review on behalf of an ERA, including their name.  

An accepted output is not Open Access compliant, what should I do?

All Open Access compliance queries should be directed to the SRO team in the Library at

A member of staff has left Sussex/no longer has an Elements account, but their outputs should be included in the assessment exercise. What should I do?

Inactive Elements users can still be included in the assessment module. When running reports in the Basic Reports area to gather publication/ID information, make sure you click 'Include non-current users' in section 2 to include staff who have left. All past staff are included in your School's publications dashboard, which can be accessed here (search for your School in the search bar at the top of the page). This dashboard report contains publication ID, citation and user ID numbers so is useful for bulk uploads.